Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Sour Apples Equals a Visit to the Emergency Vet

We have five apple trees in the back yard which drop unripe apples.  Monty found these delightful play things.  He'd toss them in the air, roll them around. As long as he didn't eat them, I wasn't concerned. Then he decided to eat them.  Right before the fourth of July weekend, he started vomiting and couldn't stop.  He became listless and wasn't moving.  So, in the middle of the night, we rushed him to the Emergency Vet.  Thankfully we have a good one close by.  Diagnosis - after ruling out blockages and other causes - a severe upset tummy!.  He spent the night and they re-hydrated him.  The next morning we picked him up and our ever energetic dog was back.  We kept him on a lead the first day home, which was Friday before the 4th.  Since we were going to visit my mother, I knew I'd have an apple free weekend to watch him recover.  It was scary but Monty's fine.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed the stories about Monty and I'm glad he is ok!
