Monday, July 19, 2010

Lighting and Invisible Fences Don't Mix

A couple of days ago our automatic sprinkler system went nutsy.  We tracked it down and one of the leads was bad.  Jay surmised we may have had a lightening struck.  This morning, Jay noticed Monty down in the bushes - past the invisible fence line.  I was just about out the door for work, but I dropped everything, grabbed a lead and ran into the back yard.. Calling Monty came running, from the font yard (yeah it doesn't take him long to move around!) He was happy and bumped into me, ready to play and of course, impossible to catch.  He ran to the back and sure enough crossed the line.  Jay voiced the opinion he took the shock.  I thought not - no yelp, no reaction.  We ran behind him and he was in a thicket of bushes, ivy, weeds, etc.  No place we could follow.  I walked around - scouting from what is now my neighbor's back yard.  Jay called from our yard.  Monty would run out - almost far enough for Jay to reach him - then run back.  Oh what fun!  Finally, he left the thicket where I was waiting, as he turned to go back in I grabbed hold of his coat.  Ok, not the most elegant catch, but I got him.   Put him on his lead and brought him home.  Yup, no signal from the collar and no shock.  Investigation showed the main unit was down.  The lightening that got the sprinkler system, got the fence.  We're lucky we didn't lose Monty.  Thankfully he knows his borders and it took a while to test it. So tonight, we have another wonderful thunderstorm.  Monty's in for the night and Jay unplugged the brand new unit - just hours old so it wouldn't get fried tonight. 

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