Saturday, April 3, 2010

Long Walks and Other Joys

So far its been an interesting and fun day.  Monty and I did at least 7 miles this morning to start our day.  Monty is getting better and better about staying to the side and not getting in between my feet.  We meet  two unleashed dogs.  He did great with both - which I expected.  Does make me wonder why people lets dogs out.  The traffic wasn't heavy, but it was steady on this little side street.  One dog could not have been any bigger than my shoe.  How he doesn't get hit by a car is beyond me. (okay- that was my rant for the day)

Monty recognized home and was happy to return but he wasn't worn out in the least. He had his first bath - at least with us.  He wasn't too sure about getting into the tub at first but was aces with the water, shampooing, and rinsing.  As we get ready for Easter , the house has had more activity.  He follows the vacuum cleaner around but does not fear it nor does it make him anxious (yeah on both counts). He was left outside (with a long line) which he enjoyed.  Lisa brought him in when she realized he wanted to create a tunnel - probably to China. Yes, he dug AFTER his bath.  Could it be any other way? 

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