Thursday, January 6, 2011

Fetch - a whole new twist

Monty has never been interested in playing fetch  - until now.  Recently Jay had Monty out and was watching him from the deck.  He threw a snowball.  Monty ran after it.  Tried to pick it up but it rolled and got bigger. He finally got his mouth around it, ran back and then ate it!! (Well we know he loves snow and ice ... so that only makes sense)  He then stood waiting for another.  He couldn't get enough.  I was laughing so hard....I didn't get any pictures.  I'll get some after the next snow!

1 comment:

  1. Lic likes it when we use the laser pointer in the snow. She thinks she actually catches, and eats the red dot!

    So funny that Monty rolled the ball into a bigger one.
